Sunday, April 6, 2014

Eating for Consciousness

“Food – as matter turned to spirit – is the direct connection between the physical and the spiritual, between what we put in our mouths and what we feel in our hearts.” Geneen Roth
I truly believe that one of our primary reasons for being here is to align with our highest potential and our life’s purpose. I also see that more and more people are awakening to this potential. If we’re motivated to want to awaken to ease the suffering of the world and we’re consciously working towards this awakening, we need a strong, solid foundation; our bodies need to be strong, as well as our minds and spirits. We need to be able to clean out our bodies so that we can have a clean vessel to channel the Divine life-force energy that comes through us and allow ourselves to focus on the higher work that needs to be done here.
When we learn to have a harmonious relationship to food it no longer consumes our energy (like it does when we struggle with food and weight), and in fact it frees up our energy (because we let go and drop the struggle altogether). It no longer depletes us, but energizes us. In this capacity, because the fundamental nature of our relationship to food has changed – to one that we enjoy – we can then turn to more important things in our lives, like waking up to our highest potential and doing the things that we love.
Food can either help us awaken; it can provide us with a deep connection to the Divine and energize us on our journeys to our highest potential, or it can hinder our journeys, as a means of distraction and a way to hold ourselves down. This is the crux of what I’m getting at here – how we can align our relationship with food to support rather than hinder our spiritual journeys.
For those who intimately know what it means to struggle with weight, food and health, you may understand what it means to be ‘preoccupied’ with these issues in your life. If you’re devoting most of your mental capacity to this struggle then you’re not able to be present for the true pleasures and little miracles of life. It’s interesting that the more we struggle, the more we tend to become all consumed by the focus of our struggle. This is not something to feel bad about; it’s part of the human condition. It’s as if we’re in a small dark room and this is all we’ve come to know. What we miss is the capacity to ‘look out’ and see that there is a whole, vast world going on out there, but we miss it because we’re stuck in the darkness of the room (of our own mind). Dropping the struggle with food is like walking out of the room, closing the door behind you and taking part in the unlimited possibilities and potentialities of life and remembering who you really are – a Divine, limitless being deserving and capable of manifesting whatever you wish to see in this lifetime.
Discovering some of the practices of the Bodhisattva, also known as Peaceful Warrior or Spiritual Warrior, is one of the ways to help you leave that small dark room behind. One of the practices of the Bodhisattva is to send out a heart-felt wish that we may awaken so we can in turn help others awaken. Merely contemplating this thought, that we can help end our own suffering to relieve the suffering in the world can connect you with the common humanity that we all share. You are not alone, no matter what it is that you struggle with, you are never alone.
Are you ready to drop your struggle with food, weight and health-related issues? Contact me for details.
Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii,
Laura Dawn, Registered Holistic Nutritionist

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