Saturday, August 2, 2014

How to take control of your feelings with essential oils

How to take control of your feelings with essential oils - How to use the Young Living Feelings Kit
So you’ve probably heard that essential oils can help with physical healing?  But did you know that you can also use essential oils to help control your emotions?
Sometimes our feelings can overcome us and can have a devastating impact on our relationships and enjoyment of life.  Being able to overcome negative emotions can make a dramatic improvement on the quality of your life.
According to Gary Young, “99% of life’s decisions are made from feelings.” So, if you want your life to be guided by good decisions that lead to health, happiness, and fulfilment, you need to be in control of your feelings and to learn how to release the repressed emotions of the past.
It is a common belief that by focusing on managing your feelings, you can fix most aspects of your life.  (physical, mental, and spiritual). Essential oils are perfect for helping you with this because their molecules pass directly to the emotional brain and can bring us into contact with the issues from the past that we may not even remember, and enable us to resolve them once and for all. When we clear our emotional baggage, we are finally able to reach our true potential.
Do you struggle with any of the following?
  • Low self esteem
  • Negative feelings to people in your life
  • Holding on to past hurts
  • Inability to enjoy the present
  • Anger or frustration
  • Balance in your life
If you do, the Feelings Kit by Young Living is perfect for you!

The Feelings Kit by Young Living

The feelings kit by Young Living
The Feelings Kit includes six essential oil blends to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. This collection includes the following essential oil blends:
  • Valor: Improves courage, self-esteem, aligns energy systems, locks in feelings of completeness and balance.
  • Harmony: Brings harmonic balance to the energy centres of the body
  • Forgiveness: Releases harmful memories and allows a willingness to move forward
  • Inner Child: Stimulates memory response and helps reconnect with the authentic self
  • Release: Helps release anger and frustration, promotes harmony and balance of the mind and body.
  • Present Time: Helps you to live in the moment and see the future with an open mind.
According to Gary Young, “Thought equals frequency. Essential oils absorb our thoughts. They are registered in the oils as intent. Intent is directed energy. When you apply an intent-energized oil on your feet they can saturate all of your cells within 60 seconds, stimulating creative thinking and pushing negative energy out of the cells, thus increasing the frequencies of the cells throughout the body. In that uplifted state you can create a new desire to be better tomorrow. You have no limitations but those you choose to accept.”
Gary says, “Use the Feelings Kit. Apply feeling oils before work and every night before bed. Do this for 30 days and you will change your life.”

How to use the Young Living Feelings kit

  • Apply 1-2 drops of Valor to the feet
  • Apply 1-2 drops of Harmony to the naval, heart, neck and forehead
  • Apply 1-2 drops of Forgiveness to the naval
  • Apply 1-2 drops of Present Time to the wrist and behind the ears
  • Apply 1-2 drops of Release to the liver
  • Apply 1 drop of Inner Child just under your nose.
  • Finally, apply 1-2 drops of Valor to the feet once more.

My Personal experience with the Young Living Feelings Kit

I used the Young Living Feelings kit for a month and experienced a massive shift in my emotions.  Before I started using this kit I was feeling very negative.  I had been suffering with ill health for a couple of year and as a result I had extreme anxiety, had pretty much stopped leaving the house, didn’t see any of my friends, was angry towards my husband and wasn’t a nice person to live with.
I knew I had LOTS of work to do on my emotions to get my life into balance.  Although I managed to have a lot of success with essential oils to recover my physical health and overcome depression, I still wasn’t very content or enjoying life so I was very attracted to the feelings kit and was so excited to start using it.
Within a couple of weeks or using this kit, my husband said I was a lot more forgiving towards him, not holding a grudge for very long after we had a disagreement.
I was also able to finally accept my responsibility in our relationship and be able to start working on my own faults and stop blaming him for everything.
I have become a lot more positive in life generally.  I used to complain about my life all the time and wish it was different, and now I am much more accepting about my life and enjoying what I have right now instead of always looking for something to be better in the future.
The biggest change for me has been in my confidence.  I barely recognise myself now!  I used to be so anxious to even leave the house and didn’t even want to see my friends as I didn’t have anything positive to say.  Now I feel so happy and confident that I’m actually leading a team, and I’m thoroughly enjoying being in a position to motivate others to reach their highest potential.
I am so thankful for what these essential oils have done in my life.  I just hope that this message helps others to be able to change their negative patterns and finally live the life of their dreams.
How to take control of your feelings with essential oils - How to use the Young Living Feelings Kit
Katherine Kyle -
Katherine Kyle blogs at Heal With Essential Oils.

Katherine shares her personal testimonies on how essential oils have changed her life, guides to Young Living essential oils, Healing Guides, and essential oils recipes.

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